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Meryl Sykes 


Meryl Sykes grew up in Brooklyn and has studied yoga from the jungles of Costa Rica to the jungle that is New York City.  She believes a yoga practice is a practical tool for exploring and learning about oneself.  She works with a mixture of alignment based poses, relaxation, and breathing to bring ease and strength to the body and mind.  Her hope is that through the practice of yoga we may evolve into well rounded individuals, capable of handling life's challenges, in touch with our deeper needs and desires, and walking a path in tune with the universe and the energies that reside within it.  


Class Descriptions: 


Prenatal:  Pregnancy is a very unique time in a woman's life that offers the opportunity to learn more about yourself and connect to your body on a deeper level.  It is my goal to help women slow down and embrace the changes in their body during this time.


Prenatal yoga helps alleviate many discomforts of pregnancy such as back aches, feet swelling, sacroiliac pain, piriformis pain, general stress and anxiety.  We will flow from pose to pose and focus on conscious breathing to promote relaxation, strengthening the pushing muscles, strengthening the pelvic floor, focusing the mind, and pain management techniques.


This way of working will equip you with a bag of tools to draw upon throughout  pregnancy and at the time of birth.  Let's work together to slow down, focus on well-being, and create a connection with the new life growing within.

Postnatal:After the hard work of bringing new life into this world, it is crucial to find time to give back to yourself.  It is only through a rested and strong body and mind that you can truly give to another.  

Postnatal Yoga will bring strength, revitalization, and equanimity to your life, and to motherhood.  Consciously moving with the breath we will focus on opening the chest and shoulders, strengthening the core, and restorative poses to promote much needed rest and energy. 


Moms are welcome to bring their new little ones to practice.  They will hang out at the front of our mats and soak in all the energy we create with our breath and our intentions in the magical Wonderland room of House of Gaia.  I would be so happy to meet them and welcome them into our growing community.  That being said if you have childcare and feel that you need a moment to yourself, know that coming to class solo is perfect as well.    


Hatha: In this yoga class we will flow, we will pause, we will break poses down, we will spend time getting to know ourselves through our work in the poses.  We can then apply the knowledge we have gained to other aspects of our lives, as we learn how our physical, mental, and spiritual worlds are all intertwined.  It is only through awareness of our habits that change and growth can occur.  

This is an open level class; students are welcome as beginners or experienced practitioners.     


Prices:  All classes are $20 single class, $90 pack of 5 classes, $150 pack of 10 classes

All packages have an expiration of 6 months.  



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